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Ava McKnight
From the first smoldering kiss, this hot, sexy office romance is in jeopardy.
For two years, Cassidy has lusted after the office hunk, Chase. But Cassidy is neither interested in casual flings nor in setting the rumor mill on fire. In a male-dominated field, she has to work extra hard to prove her worth, and Chase is just one big, sexy distraction she doesn’t need.
Flirting with Cassidy is one of Chase’s favorite hobbies. Chase is blatantly in hot pursuit of Cassidy and he ups the ante at a swank company party—only to discover there’s much more between them than sizzling chemistry.
Lust, love and a job promotion hang in the balance. But the high stakes won’t keep them from mixing business with pleasure.
A Romantica® contemporary erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave
Ava McKnight
Chapter One
“Sweet Jesus, that man is freakin’ hot,” Meg Pierce whispered under her breath.
Cassidy Reynolds didn’t bother dragging her gaze from the veggie tray in front of her. She knew to whom Meg referred without having to steal a glance over her shoulder at the latest addition to the festivities. Chase Logan. Office superhunk. Devastatingly handsome. Wildly charismatic. And totally off-limits to a good girl like her. So she continued piling carrots and bell peppers onto her plate.
Standing on the other side of the buffet table at the swank country club outside of mountain town Flagstaff, Arizona, Meg said, “That man does things to me. Makes me all tingly inside.”
You and every other woman on the planet.
“I want to lick him from head to toe.” Meg’s voice turned breathy. “Stopping at all the interesting spots along the way, of course.”
Oh yeah…
Liquid fire raced through Cassidy’s veins at the mental image that popped into her head. Chase in all his naked glory. Cassidy on her knees in front of him, sucking him hard enough to make him come.
No. Fantasizing.
She’d never do the multitude of naughty things she’d imagined on numerous occasions, anyway. She wasn’t the type.
“Bet he’s got a shaft so wide I’d barely get my mouth around him.”
Cassidy’s gaze snapped to her assistant as sparks ignited in her belly at the enhanced mental vision she now had. “Good grief, Meg,” she said in a low, sharp tone. “Do you really have to say these things out loud?”
With a shrug and a sassy smile, the perky blonde said, “Just seeing if you were paying attention.”
Cassidy groaned. Sure, she was paying attention. Too much attention. As was always the case when the topic of Chase Logan came up.
“Besides,” Meg continued, “it’s not like all the gals in the office aren’t thinking the same thing at least a half-dozen times a day. Whether they’re married, engaged or single. He’s just so…sinfully good-looking, you can’t help but have wicked thoughts about him. And a million dollars says no woman has ever left his bed without a smile plastered on her face and multiple orgasms under her belt.” She winked.
“Let’s leave that between Chase and his conquests. Of which I’m sure there are plenty.” Yet another reason Cassidy did her best not to let the crafty spider lure the unsuspecting fly into his sticky web.
“The man’s got animal magnetism in spades, no doubt about it,” Meg gushed. “He literally radiates sex appeal.”
That completely went without saying when it came to Chase. He didn’t leave a dry thong in his wake. Cassidy knew firsthand. She tried to ignore the moisture between her legs now, an innate reaction to the mere mention of the man she’d been absolutely gaga over for longer than she cared to acknowledge.
As opposed to Meg, however, Cassidy wasn’t merely hot for Chase’s hunky bod. She’d worked closely with him for two years and had quickly learned that not only was he savvy, he was damn smart. Everything about the man appealed to her and that was the very reason Cassidy fought so hard to not cave when he flirted with her or invited her out for drinks alone, without their boss or colleagues to tag along.
Just say no was a motto she embraced wholeheartedly where he was concerned.
Sad as it was to admit, Cassidy knew she’d disappoint the hell out of a man like Chase Logan. And it’d be really depressing on her part to have to work with him after he discovered she could light up a boardroom with her creativity, but not a bedroom. So, as usual, she pushed thoughts of Chase to the back of her mind.
In a businesslike tone, she said, “Let’s keep this a professional event, hmm?” Not only were they at a work function, Cassidy didn’t need more fuel added to the fire when it came to her ever-burning desire for the forbidden fruit perpetually dangling before her. “You’re practically drooling on the crudités.”
“Yeah, well your plate runneth over.”
Cassidy’s gaze dropped to the delicate bone china dish with gold trim that she held in her hand. She’d nearly loaded the entire veggie tray onto it.
“Crap.” She used the tongs to return half the bell peppers and carrots.
Meg snickered. “You try damn hard to pretend otherwise, but I know you secretly want him.” She paused, then amended her statement. “Actually, it’s not a secret. Everyone knows the two of you have been lusting after each other since the day Chase walked through MII’s doors.”
They were that transparent?
Oh hell, of course they were. For two years, they’d been sniffing around each other at McClellan Industrial Insurers, with many an innuendo muttered. Mostly inadvertently on her behalf. Directly on his.
But Cassidy didn’t do office romances. She didn’t do romance at all. Her career consumed her life, not sizzling affairs with gorgeous coworkers.
And here we are, back to thinking of Chase…
So much for avoiding thoughts of him. In fact, she tortured herself further by asking, “What’s he wearing?” Because she knew better than to turn around and scan the room for him. That screamed obvious! Not to mention, she knew she’d lose her breath, solidifying Meg’s theory. Her secret obsession might not be so secret, but no one needed to know the extent of her desire for Chase.
Meg said, “Charcoal suit. Impeccably tailored.”
“Naturally,” she deadpanned.
“Black shirt, opened at the neck. Mm, yummy.” Meg sighed dreamily. “I wonder if he has a fine, silky layer of sandy-brown hair on that impressive pectoral ledge. Or if he’s a smoothie.”
“Smooth,” Cassidy blurted. Catching herself, she quickly added, “Not that I’ve given it any thought.”
Meg laughed. “Right. Something tells me you’re wishful thinking over there as to what that man looks like in his birthday suit, not a business one.”
Yes, yes, yes! Okay already! I, Cassidy Reynolds, fantasize about Chase’s hot ‘n’ hunky body all the damn time. His broad shoulders, rock-hard biceps, sculpted chest, powerful thighs, tanned skin…
She’d ruminated many an hour over running her fingers through his strategically mussed, light-brown hair. Dragging her tongue along his strong jawline and whisking the tip over the slight indentation in his chin. Feeling his hard muscles meld to her soft curves. Luxuriating over the rush of heat flowing through her body as his hands and mouth caressed, massaged, tickled, teased…
Another groan escaped her parted lips. Stop now, girlfriend. Or you really will be on your knees, because they’ll give out on you.
She forced herself to focus on the food, not her wicked thoughts of Chase. She moved along the table.
Meg moved with her, shifting to the left. “A girl could swim in those ocean-blue eyes of his.”
“I hadn’t noticed.”
Cassidy added caviar
and toast points to her plate. Along with two oysters on the half shell.
On second thought…
She returned them to the elaborate ice sculpture that comprised the seafood tower. She hardly needed the additional aphrodisiac. Her body had gone into sensory overload the second Meg had so uncouthly announced Chase’s arrival.
“Why don’t you two just do it already?” Meg asked, never one to beat around the bush. “I mean, he’s hot for you too. Everyone knows it.”
“Jealous much?” Cassidy absently quipped.
With a pointed look, Meg said, “Yes, I am.”
Cassidy gaped. Quickly recovering, she told her friend and assistant, “You know I was joking, right?”
Meg’s crimson-colored lips pressed together for a second. “We’re both twenty-eight and in my entire adult lifetime, no man has ever looked at me the way Chase looks at you. With fire in his eyes, sure. But also this intense longing. Like he can’t fathom one more second slipping by without hauling you up against his brick wall of a chest and kissing you senseless. And you know what, Cassidy? When he finally caves, you had better not push him away, because you could use a dose of explosive passion in your life. You work way too damn much.”
“Hey now. That’s getting personal.”
“See? We can talk about the fantasy you refuse to let come true, but you won’t allow me to mention that I fill out your time on the company’s intranet, and no one should be putting in seventy to eighty hours a week every damn week.”
Cassidy felt a twinge of aggravation. No one got her. No one understood what drove her. No one knew that failure was not an option for Cassidy Reynolds. And being a female executive in a male-dominated field meant she had to go above and beyond every day to prove herself.
“You’ve made your point,” she said.
Meg let out a long breath. “I’m sorry. It’s just that I worry about you.”
“That’s very nice of you and much appreciated. But I’m doing exactly what I want to do, so please don’t lose any sleep over me.” She smiled.
Meg harrumphed as she loaded up her own plate, then cleared her throat to grab Cassidy’s attention again. “Dreamboat alert.” She wandered off.
Damn her. So much for moral support, strength in numbers and all of that…
In actuality, Cassidy hadn’t needed Meg’s warning. She’d caught the hint of earthy cologne tinged with sandalwood that wafted her way. A disturbingly familiar scent. One much more intoxicating than the finest champagne—and certainly more arousing than the biting Ralph Lauren some of the special agents and insurance adjusters favored.
She drew in a long breath, steeling herself.
“You should wear backless dresses every day, Cass.” Chase’s deep, rich voice trickled down her spine like warm honey. Her nipples instantly puckered. Her clit tingled.
For God’s sake. Get a grip.
Two years of mounting sexual tension, however, left her nearly defenseless. But she fought the wave of desire threatening to crest over her.
Keep it professional.
“Thanks,” she said, mustering a cool tone. No easy feat. She remained focused on the buffet table as she added, “Been working out.”
“I can tell.” Chase crowded her and bent his head to hers. “Damn fine ass too. Your dress shows off all the backside assets. When are you going to turn around so I can get a good look at the front?”
She ignored the erotic shiver rippling through her. “MII does have a sexual harassment policy, Chase.”
“I know,” he said, his tone devilish. “I passed the employee training with flying colors.”
“Hell of a sliding scale Human Resources must have.” She stepped away from him and added foie gras terrine and torn chunks of baguette to her plate. Another bad idea. Foie gras turned her on. Shoot. She couldn’t return the blob to its dish without being obvious. As usual.
She rounded the table to inspect the fare on the other side. Chase followed closely behind. Unfortunately for Cassidy, everyone who’d just arrived huddled around the open bar, not yet making their way to the food. Leaving her alone with Chase. Never a good thing.
“Your hair looks nice up,” he told her. “Exposes that long neck of yours I’ve imagined kissing about, I don’t know, a gazillion times.”
Her pulse kicked up a notch. Or ten. She sighed inwardly.
“How, exactly, do you quantify that number?”
He snickered. “It’s a pretty simple equation. I’m constantly fantasizing about you, so you know… It all adds up. Times a lot.”
“Stop flirting with me.”
“Oh come on,” he said with a smile in his voice. “This is a company party. You’re supposed to get drunk, make an ass of yourself on the dance floor, fuck the coworker you’re hot for or annoyed with—and don’t I fall into both categories?—then wake up the next morning with a raging hangover, the first words tumbling from your mouth being holy shit, what have I done?”
She bit back a laugh. “How cliché, Chase.”
“Life is one big cliché, Cass.”
“Please stop calling me that. It’s Cassidy.” She’d only reminded him just about every day for the last two years. “And I’ve never been annoyed with you. Confused by why you continually put the moves on me, but never annoyed.”
“Nothing to be confused about. It’s pretty much a no-brainer.” He leaned in again, and his heat and scent consumed her. “But…calling you Cass is too personal?”
“Hmm. Because you like everything professional and straightforward. Nice and tidy. Simple and safe.” He backed off just a touch. “I know you.”
“No, you don’t.”
“Denial.” He made a soft tsking sound. “Anyway, I wouldn’t fuck you.”
“What?” she demanded under her breath as she pretended to debate whether she needed brie and crackers, hoping to not draw others’ attention to them in this corner of the room. Luckily, an eruption of laughter at the bar assured her no one had noticed them. Yet.
“After we get drunk and make asses of ourselves on the dance floor,” he pontificated further on the universal corporate-party tradition, of which so many regretfully partook on an annual basis, mostly at Christmastime. Cassidy always missed the holiday party, opting to spend time with her family back east. But she hadn’t had a convenient excuse to miss this evening’s impressive soiree.
With his voice still so low and intimate that her body blazed, he said, “I’d make love to you. Slow and easy. Long and leisurely. Make you come, say, three or four times. Maybe five. If you begged me.”
Her breath caught. He sexually charged her to the core of her being. With nothing more than words and visual stimulants. Christ, he was way too over-the-top for her.
In fact, she reasoned that a smart woman would do something to discourage all the playful banter.
Guess you’re not as bright as you’d hoped to be.
Seriously, how much more of this could she endure before she really did beg him? What sort of sadist was she for not putting a halt to this flirtation? Her protests were so lame and half-assed, he just kept at it.
Yes, his interest in her secretly thrilled her. But giving in would only lead to disaster, so she stood her ground.
His head dipped again. “Unless you like it hard and fast, that is. I’d be happy to indulge whatever wicked, kinky fetishes you might have.”
“Wicked? Kinky? Fetishes?” She blanched. “Jesus, Chase. Forget who you’re talking to here?”
“Nope. You’ve got do me up right written all over you tonight.”
She forced her jaw not to drop. Tried to keep her composure, though excitement jolted her. “Where the hell is the VP of HR when you need her?”
Ignoring her admonishment, Chase said, “I like this red dress you’re wearing. All that satiny material skimming over those plump breasts and shapely hips and long legs…” He reached around her and snagged a carrot from her plate. He crunched loudly as she tried to inhale. No
She did manage to ask, “What’s gotten into you? You don’t subscribe to political correctness as a rule, but don’t you think you’re going a bit overboard tonight?” He was more assertive than usual. Not by much, but he’d never blatantly mentioned sex before.
“I don’t know,” he said with nonchalance in his voice. “We’re out of the office. Two hours away from Scottsdale. It’s snowing mid-spring. And again…you are spectacular in that gown.”
He let out a sexy groan that made her thighs go up in flames.
Then he added, “I gave Meg a few minutes to size me up—for you—before I came over.”
“What makes you think we were talking about you?” And how miraculous that her voice was so damn steady!
“She kept stealing glances my way and reporting back to you. Very first boy-girl-dance-like. Cute. Impossible to ignore. I’m flattered.”
“Some ego you’ve got there, Chase. You’re deluding yourself. We were discussing the appetizers.”
“Ah, come on. Admit it. I’m man enough to say it’s damn difficult to stay away from you. I’m feeling like a magnet to steel tonight.”
“Go degauss yourself.”
He chuckled. A sound that reverberated deep within her, making her insides thrum. “I love when you get all technical on me. Even shop talk turns me on when it comes from you.”
“I can’t begin to imagine why.”
Before he could answer, someone called his name, beckoning him to the bar. Chase stepped away from her but said, “I’ll bring you some champagne.” He wandered toward the crowd, leaving her reeling.
He was too much. Way, way too much.
Breathe, Cassidy. Just breathe.
She’d not regained a steady intake of air or gotten the thundering of her heart and the throbbing deep in her pussy under control when another male voice asked, “Enjoying the party, Miss Reynolds?”
She nearly jumped out of her skin. For the love of God, she’d all but forgotten she was at a party with her colleagues. And superiors.
Turning to greet the big cheese himself, she said, “It’s lovely, Mr. McClellan.”